1. UDISEPLUS (Unified District Information System for Education) : https://udiseplus.gov.in
  2. DIKSHA (Digital Infrastructure for Knowledge Sharing) : https://diksha.gov.in
  3. PGI (Performance Grading Index) SESHAGUN : https://pgi.seshagun.gov.in
  4. PGI (Performance Grading Index) UDISEPLUS : https://pgi.udiseplus.gov.in
  5. Ministry of Education PAB Minutes : https://dsel.education.gov.in/pab-minutes
  6. PRABANDH Portal : http://samagrashiksha.in
  7. Department of School Education Nagaland : https://dosenl.in
  8. Department of School Education Nagaland : https://education.nagaland.gov.in
  9. NAS (National Achievement Survey) : https://nas.education.gov.in