Morung Concept of Education

The Morung concept of education was introduced to supplement/strengthen student’s academic learning and also support development of their skills through the formation of traditional institutions- traditional dormitory or Morung. Over the past few years Samagra Shiksha, Nagaland has been implementing in four districts under State specific innovative projects. Activities such as Skills Education, Traditional Crafts, Folk Song and Tales, Focus on Maths and Science are imparted in the Morung centres.

  1. Sochum concept: The word Sochum is from Chang dialect meaning ‘Morung/traditional youth dormitory’ under Tuensang district. Sochum concept is being implemented in 13 centres with an enrollment of 517 students.
  2. Laaipang concept: The word Laaipang is from Phom dialect which means ‘Morung or traditional youth dormitory’ under Longleng district. It is being implemented in 13 centres with an enrollment of 613 students.
  3. Cethice concept: The word Cethice meaning ‘traditional dormitory’ is from Chakhesang under Phek district. It is being implemented in 12 centres with an enrollment of 397 students.
  4. Arju concept: The word Arju is from Ao dialect meaning ‘traditional dormitory’ in Mokokchung district. It is being implemented in 12 centres with an enrolment of 483 students.
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