RTE Entitlements

Special Training for Out of School Children (OoSC)

An amount of Rs. 179.00 lakh (@ Rs. 10,000 for 6 months) was estimated for age-appropriate admission of 1790 number of OoSC through residential mode, as per norms of the scheme. Special training is being provided to the identified Out of school children.1790 were identified and 1292 were provided Remedial teaching.  Teaching learning material provided.

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Free Textbooks

An outlay of Rs. 373.74 lakh was approved by PAB for provision of free text books at elementary level as per norms of the scheme. Free textbooks as approved under PAB has been provided to all the children enrolled in Government elementary schools in the State.  (Rs. In lakh) Sl Activity Target (2019-20) Achievements

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Free Uniforms

As mandated under the RTE Act, free uniforms to all the elementary students studying in Government Schools was provided. In addition, one set of uniform along with one T- shirt was provided to all children studying in pre-primary classes in government schools.       Sl. Category Target/Sanctioned Achievement  % of Achievement Physical Financial

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