NDEAR is under the aegis of the Ministry of Education in collaboration with MeitY. Its is a federated public digital education infra that will support teaching-learning, educational planning, administration and governance activities for all stakeholders through a common digital architecture as envisaged by #NEP2020.

The goal of NDEAR is to create a digital infrastructure for education. Both the Centre and States will benefit from NDEAR in terms of planning, managing, and governing school education, as well as instructors, students, and schools who will benefit from a seamless digital learning experience. The entire student and teacher community will benefit from NDEAR’s institutional structure, governance framework, technology, and data.

NDEAR is an architectural blueprint for the education ecosystem and not a system.

That defines a set of

  1. Principles – e.g. technology and ecosystem
  2. Standards and Specifications – e.g. technology and data
  3. Guidelines – e.g. data process, ecosystem engagement
  4. Policies – e.g. data, openness, inclusion, accessibility

And Identifies the key building blocks needed to make the architecture blueprint a reality

For an ecosystem of

  1. Actors to build, develop, innovate – interoperable building blocks.
  2. Applications/Innovations in the form of Solutions, platforms, tools, assets to be developed and used.

To enable the achievement of policy goals through programmes such as – SSA, FLN Mission – etc.

NDEAR Enables Coherent Multi Channel, Multimodal, Learning Continuum

At school, after school, at community centre, at home Synchronous/ Asynchronous, Offline/ Online, Physical/ Digital, Self-service/ Assisted

NDEAR has 12 CATEGORIES of buildings blocks with 36 BUILDING BLOCKS across these categories


Community driven open standards protocols, specifications, knowledge made available as Open Source via NDEAR Portal


Students Teachers Educational Institutions


Master Data/ Codes Directories Registries (school teachers’ students etc)


Education Networks & Cloud Messaging & Video / Audio Conferencing Education Data Exchange Open School Hardware


Locker & Consent Management Open AI Services Shared UX Services Language Assets & Services


School Affiliation Awards Recognition Examination, Result, Certification Schemes, Programs, Scholarships


Personal & Payroll Admission, Test School Management, Attendance Monitoring, Counselling


Contribution & Curation Taxonomy & Tagging Language & Translation Discovery & Personalization


Learn, Do & Practice, Sense & Assess Interaction & Collaboration Credentialing & Boding Learning Infra, Telemetry & Analytics


Multi-channel, Unified, Coherent, Accessible UX (Mobile, Web, TV, Phone, Radio, Chat, Voice, Etc)

OPEN DATA & ANALYTICS Open Data, Data Analytics GIS, Visualizations AI/ ML


Rules, Tools, Policies, Governance Process, Certifications

Links to :

NDEAR Architecture Principles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1be0A2PsSOE

Equality in Education: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rj69yY10MSk

Building strong foundations through Academic Bank of Credit, NDEAR, NEFT & more :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0YAecdseo0

Webinar on Technology in Education by Ministry of Education: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleaseIframePage.aspx?PRID=1753262

NDEAR at glance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faq2tEdNmmY